Last weekend was so refreshing! I had the privilege of being apart of my good friends THE LEVITES amazing concert series entitled “Hope Is Like A Light”. This is a uniquely formatted experience that couples music and group therapy. We were empowered and equipped with practical tools to manage our mental health. I was invited because a few years ago I was a guest artist on their song GR8R which we performed that evening.

I was talking with the children of THE LEVITES leaders before the show, who I haven’t seen in person for years. A couple of them are now young adults and when they saw me they expressed how they still listen to my album everyday! I was shocked because my album Culture War they were referring to, was released in 2015! (Still relevant btw.) They almost had me in tears as they shared their testimonies of how my music has personally impacted their lives. It was a sobering reminder to never discredit the power of sharing your unique gift and talents with the world. You never know who you are impacting or the lasting effects. We must be willing to push past our own fears and insecurities because someone else needs what God has placed inside us!